My Experience with Scrivener (A Writerly Update)

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Wow. It’s been almost a year since I last posted. The good news is that I’ve been writing, fellow writers! A lot. Here’s a brief rundown of my writing year:


Back in November, I finally tried Scrivener. It didn’t work for me while I was writing, but I love it for editing. For some reason, I have to see the entire document as I write or I end up repeating myself. I realize this is possible with Scrivener, but even if I put all my writing in one file (which kinda defeats the whole point of working in Scrivener), having so many ways to tweak my writing while I was in my creative mode was ultimately distracting, not helpful. Plus, I couldn’t use Scrivener on some of the devices I write on, namely my tablet. So I’m back to writing in Word and will transfer my books to Scrivener when I get to the editing phase. It’s wonderful for that, mostly because I can break it down into separate files and label everything, tweaking every little bit. So pretty much exactly the same reasons I don’t like it for writing are the reasons I love it for editing!  If you want to try Scrivener for yourself, they offer a free trial here.

New Genres

Since going back to Word, I’ve started exploring a new genre of writing, one I’ve loved to read for years, but never tried my hand at until now. It’s working well so far. So well, in fact, that I may have a completed novel here in a bit! I’ve been trying new genres regularly over the past few years, expanding my writing range. I think this one might be a keeper. I love both the restrictions and the creative freedom of this new genre. I may have to write more books. And possibly even more after that.


Aside from writing endeavors, I’ve been helping family members with a few major transitions and working on my continuing health bothers. It’s been a busy year! What about you? What have you been up to, fellow writers? Any life or writing news to relate?